queenbee.io.outputs.step module

Output types for a Queenbee Job steps.

For more information on plugins see plugin module.

class queenbee.io.outputs.step.StepArrayOutput(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'StepArrayOutput', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, path: str, required: bool = True, items_type: ItemType = ItemType.String, value: List)[source]

Bases: FunctionArrayOutput

A JSON array output.

type: ConstrainedStrValue
value: List
class queenbee.io.outputs.step.StepBooleanOutput(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'StepBooleanOutput', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, path: str, required: bool = True, value: bool)[source]

Bases: FunctionBooleanOutput

The boolean type matches only two special values: True and False.

type: ConstrainedStrValue
value: bool
class queenbee.io.outputs.step.StepFileOutput(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'StepFileOutput', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, path: str, required: bool = True, source: Union[HTTP, S3, ProjectFolder])[source]

Bases: FunctionFileOutput

A file output.

source: Union[HTTP, S3, ProjectFolder]
type: ConstrainedStrValue
class queenbee.io.outputs.step.StepFolderOutput(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'StepFolderOutput', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, path: str, required: bool = True, source: Union[HTTP, S3, ProjectFolder])[source]

Bases: FunctionFolderOutput

A folder output.

source: Union[HTTP, S3, ProjectFolder]
type: ConstrainedStrValue
class queenbee.io.outputs.step.StepIntegerOutput(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'StepIntegerOutput', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, path: str, required: bool = True, value: int)[source]

Bases: FunctionIntegerOutput

An integer output.

type: ConstrainedStrValue
value: int
class queenbee.io.outputs.step.StepJSONObjectOutput(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'StepJSONObjectOutput', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, path: str, required: bool = True, value: Dict)[source]

Bases: FunctionJSONObjectOutput

A JSON object output.

type: ConstrainedStrValue
value: Dict
class queenbee.io.outputs.step.StepNumberOutput(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'StepNumberOutput', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, path: str, required: bool = True, value: float)[source]

Bases: FunctionNumberOutput

A number output.

type: ConstrainedStrValue
value: float
class queenbee.io.outputs.step.StepPathOutput(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'StepPathOutput', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, path: str, required: bool = True, source: Union[HTTP, S3, ProjectFolder])[source]

Bases: FunctionPathOutput

A file or a folder output.

source: Union[HTTP, S3, ProjectFolder]
type: ConstrainedStrValue
class queenbee.io.outputs.step.StepStringOutput(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'StepStringOutput', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, path: str, required: bool = True, value: str)[source]

Bases: FunctionStringOutput

A String output.

type: ConstrainedStrValue
value: str
queenbee.io.outputs.step.from_template(template: Union[DAGGenericOutput, DAGStringOutput, DAGIntegerOutput, DAGNumberOutput, DAGBooleanOutput, DAGFolderOutput, DAGFileOutput, DAGPathOutput, DAGArrayOutput, DAGJSONObjectOutput, FunctionStringOutput, FunctionIntegerOutput, FunctionNumberOutput, FunctionBooleanOutput, FunctionFolderOutput, FunctionFileOutput, FunctionPathOutput, FunctionArrayOutput, FunctionJSONObjectOutput], value: Any) Union[StepStringOutput, StepIntegerOutput, StepNumberOutput, StepBooleanOutput, StepFolderOutput, StepFileOutput, StepPathOutput, StepArrayOutput, StepJSONObjectOutput][source]

Generate a step output from a template output type and a value

  • {Union[DAGOutputs (template) – template (DAG or Function)

  • a (FunctionOutputs]} -- An output from) – template (DAG or Function)

  • in (value {Any} -- The output value calculated for this template) – the workflow step


StepOutputs – A Step Output object