Create A New Recipe

In this section we will walk you through how to create a new Recipe.

It should be noted though, that the recommended way to create a recipe from scratch is using pollination-dsl. The pollination dsl translate command can create a queenbee recipe like the one that we will see here. However, creating the recipes by hand is tedious and error-prone. This example should primarily be a reference for learning more about how the schema works and seeing a use case than about the most practical way to author the YAML files.

Getting Started

A Recipe defines a set of Tasks which are combined in a directed acyclic graph (DAG). The edges of this graph correspond to the path that an input takes to a Task. The outputs of a Task can be passed as inputs to subsequent Tasks. As the graph is acyclic, a Task may not pass its output to any Task that is at an equal or earlier stage in the Recipe.

This graph can be thought of as a program’s call graph, but one that can call functions written in arbitrary languages executed on an arbitrary runtime rather than simply being executed by python or node or compiled into an ELF and run on a compatible OS.

As such, the outputs of one Task that are sent to another Task can be thought of as a kind of file-based inter-process communication. Provided that the first Task can output a filetype that the second Task can parse, the implementation is of no concern. At least, at the level of a Recipe.

Finally, it is important to note that a Task in a Recipe could be another DAG made of many individual Tasks. Thus, graphs can be nested inside one another to isolate arbitrary levels of complexity in a manageable way.

Similar to the plugin creation documentation, the first step is to use queenbee to create a recipe scaffold:

This will create a directory my-recipe in your current working directory.

Folder Structure

The structure of the created folder should look something like this:

├── flow
│   └── main.yaml
├── dependencies.yaml
├── package.yaml

Metadata Configuration

The recipe’s metadata is defined by the package.yaml file. It is composed of a MetaData type with multiple nullable fields. If you are familiar with the npm ecosystem, you can think of this as an analogue to the non-executable fields of package.json such as name, version, description, etc.

  • annotations: A dictionary of arbitrary (key, value) pairs that can be consumed by consumers of the recipe.

  • name: The name of the recipe.

  • tag: The tag of the recipe.

  • app_version: The version of the application.

  • keywords: A list of strings that are related to the package.

  • maintainers: A list of Maintainer objects that describe the contact information of the people responsible for the recipe (you, in this case).

  • home: The homepage for this Recipe.

  • sources: A list of necessary container image URIs, relevant issue trackers, source code, etc.

  • icon: A publicly-accessible image URI to give the recipe a friendly face.

  • deprecated: Whether or not the recipe is in active development.

  • description: A textual description, analogous to a README.

  • license: A valid License object which corresponds to the text in the LICENSE file.

Into the package.yaml file you can paste the following snippet:

type: MetaData
name: annual-daylight
tag: 0.4.0
app_version: null
- honeybee
- radiance
- daylight
- annual-daylight
- type: Maintainer
  name: Your Name
icon: null
deprecated: null
description: Annual daylight recipe for Pollination.
  type: License
  name: MIT

Naturally, Your Name and should be replaced with the correct values. And, as with any software, the license should be one that comports with the nature of what you are developing.


The dependencies are specified in the dependencies.yaml file.

We can add a dependency that will be used in the Recipe by pulling from a public repo by replacing the content of the auto-generated dependencies.yaml with the following snippet:

- type: Dependency
  kind: plugin
  name: honeybee-radiance
  hash: null
  alias: null
  tag: 0.5.0

This will add a reference to the honeybee-radiance Plugin, version 0.5.0 which is hosted on Pollination’s registry server. This will allow us to use Functions which are defined in this Plugin as the implementation that does the work inside Tasks which are stitched together in the Recipe.


The flow directory is analogous to the src directory of a python package. It is where the actual code of the Recipe is kept.

Because the recipe files are verbose, we will simply link to them and examine some snippets. These should be saved with the name of the link inside the flow directory.



After downloading these, the directory should now look like this:

├── flow
│   ├── main.yaml
│   └── annual-daylight-ray-tracing.yaml
├── dependencies.yaml
├── package.yaml

DAG Tasks

The first snippet that we will examine is the tasks key from main.yaml. In the linked file that was saved in the previous section, it should begin like this:

- type: DAGTask
  name: annual-daylight-raytracing
  template: annual-daylight-ray-tracing
  - create-sky-dome
  - create-octree-with-suns
  - create-octree
  - generate-sunpath
  - create-total-sky
  - create-direct-sky
  - create-rad-folder
  - type: TaskArgument
    name: sensor-count
      type: InputReference
      variable: sensor-count
  - type: TaskArgument
    name: radiance-parameters
      type: InputReference
      variable: radiance-parameters
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: octree-file-with-suns
      type: TaskFileReference
      name: create-octree-with-suns
      variable: scene-file
    sub_path: null
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: octree-file
      type: TaskFileReference
      name: create-octree
      variable: scene-file
    sub_path: null
  - type: TaskArgument
    name: grid-name
      type: ValueReference
      value: '{{item.full_id}}'
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: sensor-grid
      type: TaskFolderReference
      name: create-rad-folder
      variable: model-folder
    sub_path: grid/{{item.full_id}}.pts
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: sky-matrix
      type: TaskFileReference
      name: create-total-sky
      variable: sky-matrix
    sub_path: null
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: sky-dome
      type: TaskFileReference
      name: create-sky-dome
      variable: sky-dome
    sub_path: null
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: sky-matrix-direct
      type: TaskFileReference
      name: create-direct-sky
      variable: sky-matrix
    sub_path: null
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: sunpath
      type: TaskFileReference
      name: generate-sunpath
      variable: sunpath
    sub_path: null
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: sun-modifiers
      type: TaskFileReference
      name: generate-sunpath
      variable: sun-modifiers
    sub_path: null
    type: DAGTaskLoop
      type: TaskReference
      name: create-rad-folder
      variable: sensor-grids
  sub_folder: initial_results/{{}}
  returns: []

This key points to an array of Task objects, with the specific type here being a DAGTask. As mentioned above, the entire Recipe forms a directed acyclic graph. This type of task allows the nesting of DAGs inside the Recipe, allowing complex workflows to be isolated into units of related functionality like a subroutine in a structured programming language. This particular Task references the neighboring file annual-daylight-ray-tracing which declares itself to be of type DAG.

Referencing Outputs to Inputs

In order to pass outputs of one Task as inputs to another Task, it is necessary to create an edge in the DAG that represents this connection. The second element from main.yaml’s tasks array is another DAGTask that looks like this:

- type: DAGTask
  name: create-octree
  template: honeybee-radiance/create-octree
  - create-rad-folder
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: model
      type: TaskFolderReference
      name: create-rad-folder
      variable: model-folder
    sub_path: null
  loop: null
  sub_folder: null
  - type: TaskPathReturn
    name: scene-file
    description: null
    path: resources/scene.oct
    required: true

This snippet specifies the create-octree Task and that it must come after create-rad-folder Task, as it is in the needs array. The link between the two tasks happens in the first element of the arguments array. Here, the only argument that the create-octree command needs is a path from another Task. The TaskPathArgument object specifies a from field that looks for a Task named create-rad-folder and acquires the value of its output that is named model-folder.

The Task that supplies this source as an output can be defined by the third element in the tasks array which looks like this:

- type: DAGTask
  name: create-rad-folder
  template: honeybee-radiance/create-radiance-folder
  needs: []
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: input-model
      type: InputFileReference
      variable: model
    sub_path: null
  loop: null
  sub_folder: null
  - type: TaskPathReturn
    name: model-folder
    description: null
    path: model
    required: true
  - type: TaskReturn
    name: sensor-grids
    description: Sensor grids information.

This defines a Task with an empty needs array. Note that, even though this Task doesn’t need another _Task_, it does still require an input TaskPathArgument named input-model. Thus, this Task can be thought of as root node of the graph, but one that is still able to vary over the range of its input type. In this case, that type is a filesystem path.

Because this Task supplies an output, it can be used as the input to the create-octree task. In this case, the reference in create-octree points to the first element of create-rad-folder’s returns array.

Artifact Path Context Resolution

It should be noted that the model-folder return object is not linked to a specific path on your local system, a path in a remote resource, nor even a path in a known interface like the Linux filesystem hierarchy. Rather, it names a path relative to the Task itself. When this task is run on an execution engine, locally with Luigi, or in the cloud with Pollination, the execution engine is free to locate the outputs from this task as it sees fit. The referenced paths are simply relative to the execution context where the task is actually executed which allows the same Recipe to be used locally for convenience or in the cloud for enabling massive scale without changes.

Luigi, for instance, will create a temporary folder on your local drive unique to each task which will become the context for resolving the path while Pollination will run the task inside a container and that container’s filesystem will become the context for path resolution.

Working With Loops

While the queenbee Recipe schema is meant to be declarative, it does include a primitive for an iterative loop in any Task. This is the key loop. An example usage can be seen in the annual-daylight-ray-tracing.yaml file. The first element in the tasks array has a non-null loop key that looks like this:

  type: DAGTaskLoop
    type: TaskReference
    name: split-grid
    variable: grids-list

This instructs the execution engine to execute this task once for each item that results from the grids-list output of the split-grid Task.

This task the fifth element in the array and looks like this:

- type: DAGTask
  name: split-grid
  template: honeybee-radiance/split-grid
  needs: []
  - type: TaskArgument
    name: sensor-count
      type: InputReference
      variable: sensor-count
  - type: TaskPathArgument
    name: input-grid
      type: InputFileReference
      variable: sensor-grid
    sub_path: null
  loop: null
  sub_folder: null
  - type: TaskReturn
    name: grids-list
    description: null
  - type: TaskPathReturn
    name: output-folder
    description: null
    path: sub_grids
    required: true

This particular function, honeybee-radiance/split-grid results in a list of files, the length of which can vary based on the physical dimensions of the modeled geometry that is split and the parameters used in the splitting function. Thus, it cannot be known until this task completes how many items there are for the referencing loop key to touch. The loop construct allows the Recipe to vary across parameters like this that cannot be known until runtime and allows it to discover inputs as it executes without require imperative instructions from the author (you).


Hopefully this gives a deeper understanding of the Recipe schema and how it allows workflows to be flexible and reused across execution environments. If you have questions, always feel free to open an issue or reach out on the forum. Thank you!