queenbee.io.inputs.alias module

Queenbee alias input types.

Use these alias inputs to create a different IO object for client side UIs. Alias inputs provide a handler object to convert the input provided to alias to what is required with the original input.

class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGArrayInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGArrayInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: List = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None, items_type: ItemType = ItemType.String)[source]

Bases: DAGGenericInputAlias

A JSON array input.

You can add additional validation by defining a JSONSchema specification.

See http://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/array.html for more information.

default: List
items_type: ItemType
classmethod replace_none_value(v)[source]
type: ConstrainedStrValue

Validate an input value against specification.

Use this for validating workflow inputs against a recipe.

class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGBooleanInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGBooleanInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: bool = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None)[source]

Bases: DAGGenericInputAlias

The boolean type matches only two special values: True and False.

Note that values that evaluate to true or false, such as 1 and 0, are not accepted.

You can add additional validation by defining a JSONSchema specification.

See http://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/boolean.html for more information.

default: bool
type: ConstrainedStrValue

Validate an input value against specification.

Use this for validating workflow inputs against a recipe.

class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGFileInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGFileInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: Union[HTTP, S3, ProjectFolder] = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None, extensions: List[str] = None)[source]

Bases: DAGFolderInputAlias

An alias file input.

File is a special string input. Unlike other string inputs, a file will be copied from its location to execution folder when a workflow is executed.

You can add additional validation by defining a JSONSchema specification.

See http://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/string.html#string for more information.

# a file with maximum 50 characters with an ``epw`` extension.

"schema": {
    "type": "string",
    "maxLength": 50,
    "pattern": "(?i)(^.*\.epw$)"
extensions: List[str]
type: ConstrainedStrValue

Validate an input value against specification.

Use this for validating workflow inputs against a recipe.

class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGFolderInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGFolderInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: Union[HTTP, S3, ProjectFolder] = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None)[source]

Bases: DAGGenericInputAlias

An alias folder input.

Folder is a special string input. Unlike other string inputs, a folder will be copied from its location to execution folder when a workflow is executed.

You can add additional validation by defining a JSONSchema specification.

See http://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/string.html#string for more information.

"schema": {
    "type": "string",
    "maxLength": 50,
classmethod check_required(v)[source]

Overwrite check_required fro artifacts to allow optional artifacts.

default: Union[HTTP, S3, ProjectFolder]
property is_artifact
property is_optional

A boolean that indicates if an artifact is optional.

type: ConstrainedStrValue

Validate an input value against specification.

Use this for validating workflow inputs against a recipe.

class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGGenericInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGGenericInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: str = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None)[source]

Bases: GenericInput

Base class for DAG Alias inputs.

This class adds a handler to input to handle the process of loading the input from different graphical interfaces.

classmethod check_duplicate_platform_name(v, values)[source]
classmethod create_empty_platform_list(v)[source]
default: str
handler: List[IOAliasHandler]
platform: List[str]
required: bool
spec: Dict
type: ConstrainedStrValue
classmethod validate_default_refs(v, values)[source]

Validate referenced variables in the command

classmethod validate_default_value(v, values)[source]

Validate default value against spec if provided.


Validate an input value against specification.

Use this for validating workflow inputs against a recipe.

class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGIntegerInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGIntegerInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: int = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None)[source]

Bases: DAGGenericInputAlias

An alias integer input.

You can add additional validation by defining a JSONSchema specification.

See http://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/numeric.html#numeric for more information.

default: int
type: ConstrainedStrValue

Validate an input value against specification.

Use this for validating workflow inputs against a recipe.

class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGJSONObjectInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGJSONObjectInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: Dict = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None)[source]

Bases: DAGGenericInputAlias

An alias JSON object input.

JSON objects are similar to Python dictionaries.

You can add additional validation by defining a JSONSchema specification.

See http://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/object.html for more information.

default: Dict
classmethod replace_none_value(v)[source]
type: ConstrainedStrValue

Validate an input value against specification.

Use this for validating workflow inputs against a recipe.

class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGLinkedInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGLinkedInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: str = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None)[source]

Bases: DAGGenericInputAlias

An Alias for Linked Inputs.

A linked input alias will be hidden in the UI and will be linked to an object in the UI using the input handler.

type: ConstrainedStrValue
class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGNumberInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGNumberInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: float = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None)[source]

Bases: DAGGenericInputAlias

An alias number input.

You can add additional validation by defining a JSONSchema specification.

See http://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/numeric.html#numeric for more information.

default: float
type: ConstrainedStrValue

Validate an input value against specification.

Use this for validating workflow inputs against a recipe.

class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGPathInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGPathInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: Union[HTTP, S3, ProjectFolder] = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None, extensions: List[str] = None)[source]

Bases: DAGFolderInputAlias

A file or a folder input.

Use this input only in cases that the input can be either a file or folder. For file or folder-only inputs see File and Folder.

Path is a special string input. Unlike other string inputs, a path will be copied from its location to execution folder when a workflow is executed.

You can add additional validation by defining a JSONSchema specification.

See http://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/string.html#string for more information.

# a file with maximum 50 characters with an ``epw`` extension.

"schema": {
    "type": "string",
    "maxLength": 50,
    "pattern": "(?i)(^.*\.epw$)"
extensions: List[str]
type: ConstrainedStrValue

Validate an input value against specification.

Use this for validating workflow inputs against a recipe.

class queenbee.io.inputs.alias.DAGStringInputAlias(*, type: ConstrainedStrValue = 'DAGStringInputAlias', annotations: Dict[str, Any] = None, name: str, description: str = None, platform: List[str], handler: List[IOAliasHandler], default: str = None, required: bool = False, spec: Dict = None)[source]

Bases: DAGGenericInputAlias

An Alias String input.

You can add additional validation by defining a JSONSchema specification.

See http://json-schema.org/understanding-json-schema/reference/string.html#string for more information.

"schema": {
    "type": "string",
    "maxLength": 50,
    "pattern": "(?i)(^.*\.epw$)"
default: str
type: ConstrainedStrValue

Validate an input value against specification.

Use this for validating workflow inputs against a recipe.