Source code for pollination_apps.client

import tarfile
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path

import pollination_sdk as sdk
import requests

[docs]class APIClient(object): """A Pollination client designed to interact with Workflow and Simulation objects.""" def __init__(self, api_token=None, access_token=None, host=''): self.config = sdk.Configuration() if api_token is not None: self.set_api_token(api_token) elif access_token is not None: self.set_jwt(access_token) self.set_host(host) self._sdk_client = sdk.ApiClient(self.config) self.auth = sdk.UserApi(self._sdk_client) self.api_tokens = sdk.APITokensApi(self._sdk_client) self.applications = sdk.ApplicationsApi(self._sdk_client)
[docs] def set_host(self, host: str): = host
[docs] def set_jwt(self, jwt: str): self.config.api_key = {} self.config.access_token = jwt
[docs] def set_api_token(self, api_token: str): self.config.api_key = {'APIKeyAuth': api_token} self.config.access_token = None
def _get_auth_headers(self) -> dict: headers = {} self._sdk_client.update_params_for_auth( headers, None, ['APIKeyAuth', 'JWTAuth']) return headers
[docs] def get_account(self) -> sdk.UserPrivate: return self.auth.get_me()
[docs] def api_token_name_exists(self, name: str) -> bool: token_list: sdk.APITokenList = self.api_tokens.list_tokens() for token in token_list.resources: token: sdk.APIToken if == name: return True return False
[docs] def create_api_token(self, name: str) -> str: token: sdk.APITokenPrivate = self.api_tokens.create_token( api_token_create=sdk.APITokenCreate( token_id='pollination-apps-cli', name=name, ) ) return token.token
[docs] def get_app(self, owner: str, slug: str) -> sdk.Application: return self.applications.get_application( owner=owner, slug=slug, )
[docs] def create_app(self, owner: str, name: str, public: bool = True, app_sdk: str = 'streamlit'): self.applications.create_application( owner=owner, application_create=sdk.ApplicationCreate( name=name, public=public, sdk=app_sdk, ) )
[docs] def update_app(self, owner: str, slug: str, public: bool): self.applications.update_application( owner=owner, slug=slug, application_update=sdk.ApplicationUpdate( public=public, ) )
[docs] def create_app_version(self, owner: str, slug: str, tag: str, release_notes: str = '') -> sdk.S3UploadRequest: return self.applications.upsert_application_version( owner=owner, slug=slug, new_application_version=sdk.NewApplicationVersion( tag=tag, release_notes=release_notes, ) )
[docs] def upload_app_folder(self, owner: str, slug: str, tag: str, path: Path): file = Path(tempfile.mktemp()) with, mode="w:gz") as tar: for p in path.iterdir(): tar.add(p, url = f'{}/applications/{owner}/{slug}/versions/{tag}' auth_headers = self._get_auth_headers() res = url=url, files={'file': open(file, 'rb')}, headers=auth_headers, timeout=60, ) res.raise_for_status()